Friday, February 16, 2024

Still trying to figure out the logistics of reorganizing this blog.

Haven't really had much of a chance to organize my blog-site (multiple blogs) the way I currently want to (have a condition called executive function disorder which causes problems when one tries to plan out or organize things. That makes it tough to do much of anything when it comes to projects.

Moreover, it starts to give me headaches (physical discomfort) so I end up putting it off. which doesn't bode well for any projects planned. I've basically been gravitating towards my SWTOR games and trying to level up my characters on there while letting my Sims stagnate, even though I have plenty of plans that I want to implement. That makes my SWTOR toons happy; my sims not so much.

On top of that with medical conditions that I'm going to be seeing the doctor about, I've been focussed more on my health end over doing any sort of organizing (real life, in-game and otherwise). I'm figuring changes to the blog will have to come slowly.

On top of that, the Sims home that has been my "go-to" place, the Sims Forums is being moved towards a sundown time-frame and the forums are being moved towards the Sims AHQ EA Answers while a new forum format is being set up. The move is slated to happen in July of 2024.

The forum admins are going to have a lot of work to do in the interim. And while this is going on, I don't feel we should make any more work for them. So I've pretty much halted all my posting on the blog other than commentary and will resume once the move is complete. In the meantime, I'll be working on my blog to get a more polished site up and running instead of this jumbled up mess of half-finished works that probably won't be finished unless they are rebooted since most of these game-files have been lost (other than my legacy) in a series of hard-drive crashes. One of the first things I have to do is back up my sims game files and downloaded cc on a portable SSD backup.

But don't look for anything too polished in the way of blog improvements. As someone in their fifties with EFD and dyscalculaic and possibly dyslexic to boot, it's going to be an on-going process (although I wish my brain would cooperate enough to allow me to learn meshing. There's so much cc as well as poses I would want to create to throw into this game if I knew how.

So we'll see how 2024 plays out and hopefully I may get somewhere with the reorganization of this blog.